

N5224B PNA 微波网络分析仪,900 Hz/10 MHz 至 43.5 GHz

N5224B PNA 微波网络分析仪,900 Hz/10 MHz 至 43.5 GHz

  • 使用性能出众的微波网络分析仪,应对苛刻的测量挑战
  • 在测量 S 参数时实现超低的不确定度和超高稳定度
  • 利用应用软件简化设置,高效表征有源器件
  • 通过定制化配置得到恰当的性能,满足您的特殊预算和测量需求
  • 多点触控屏和直观的用户界面加速对元器件特性的分析
N5224B-200 2-port, base hardware configuration
N5224B-201 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5224B-205 2-port with configurable test set, ref mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5224B-210 2-port with metrology configuration
N5224B-217 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5224B-219 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5224B-220 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5224B-400 4-port with second source
N5224B-401 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5224B-405 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5224B-410 4-port with second source, metrology configuration
N5224B-417 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5224B-419 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5224B-420 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
